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BIM Modelling for Segmental Bridge

Written by midasBridge Team | August 18, 2022

BIM Modelling for Segmental Bridge


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A bridge deck configuration depends upon the site conditions and road alignment. In this article, we will discuss about one such bridge deck method i.e. Segmental method of bridge construction. This type is usually adopted in conditions where congestions due to traffic (in the case of a road bridge) are a major setback in construction activities. As the name suggests (segments) is a pattern of arranging the precast segments one piece at a time, along the substructure installed under prior conditions. (PSC Segmental Box Girder Bridge Design)These types of bridges are economical for longer span areas of superstructure developments as the complete RC set of the segment is availed on the site instead of

the cast in situ method of the bridge of construction, which in turn also saves time.



ㆍBIM (Building Information Modelling) for a Segmental bridge through midas CIM

ㆍAdvantage of BIM models

ㆍA complete project life cycle through one BrIM (Bridge Information Modelling) model in CIM.


Below are some of the samples for segmental bridge construction practices across the globe.


Fig.1: Reference for a Segmental deck arrangement bridge structure (with foundation piers)



               Fig.2: Segments from the casting factory ready for the on-site installation


Fig.3: Cross section concrete dimension details. (2D)



To understand the BIM (Building Information Modelling) for a Segmental bridge through midas CIM, we use the 2D section drawing (DWG) as a reference and generate a 3D geometry concrete model respectively.


Fig.4: Cross section concrete dimension details. (3D) through CIM


Fig.5: Isometric view of a model generated cross section concrete dimension(3D) through CIM.


Fig.6: Isometric view of a model generated cross section concrete dimension(3D) along with detailed reinforcement through CIM.


Reinforcement modelling for complex geometric shapes as well as viewing dense reinforced elements (such as PT blisters) with an ease through BIM can be carried out. On the other hand, generating an intuitive bar bending schedule (BBS) for streamlined on-site activities, determining to lap of bars, providing coupling locations, and thereby achieving casting timelines through midas CIM.





Fig.7: Segments installed and arranged on the top of pier (through the form traveler)


Fig.8: Prestressing cables along with duct diameters, anchorage and standard reinforcement can be defined through smart BIM models


Another advantage of BIM models pertaining to the construction activities is identifying/detecting the interference (clashes) between reinforcement and the prestressing tendon cables (ducts) at blister locations, at the deck cables, and also at the web and soffit areas of the concrete segment thereby allowing the contractor to effectively execute the bar bending activities with minimal loss of material compared to the traditional methods.



Fig.9: Model generated pier arrangement along with layout line for the assembly and placement of libraries (sub structure elements, piers, segments, super segment elements) through midas CIM, (fig7) can be created with ease through predefined geometry definition of properties or by importing 2D drawing to develop a 3D set of pier.


Fig.10: Concrete bridge substructure pier arrangement (on site)


Fig.11: Concrete geometry of in progress Pier and Section arrangement along with pile cap through midas CIM


Defining construction activities in the model (on site) and mapping the (day to day) tasks as per the progress in real-time is possible with ease through the BIM model in CIM.


Fig.12: In progress Pier and Section arrangement (on site)


Fig.13: Assembly of concrete geometry elements including piles, pile caps, piers, pier caps, sections, and superstructure for complete segmental bridge alignment, through midas CIM.


The smart BIM model allows the user to comply with several pre-construction stage decisions and helps overcome due diligence of a particular project, which indeed turns out to be cost-effective and thereby contributes to project deliveries, and eventually can become a tool of choice for Contractors, Owners, Stakeholders, and Consultants.



Fig.14: Isometric view of geometry modelling of a segmental bridge through CIM.


Fig.15: View with incremental elevation of superstructure of a segmental bridge through CIM.


Fig.16: Plan view of a segmental bridge through CIM.


Fig.17: isometric view along with real time (GIS) image mapping, surface modelling of a segmental bridge through CIM.

Ultimately a BIM model for a segmental bridge type through CIM can be of used for showcase of a live replica, with real time satellite image mapping, actual terrain modelling, surface, and geometry modelling, as well as analytical modelling and subsequent report generation, 2D drawing extraction, 3D pdfs for walk around, overall, a complete project life cycle through one BrIM (Bridge Information Modelling) model in CIM.


Fig.18: Sample of a commissioned segmental bridge, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.