Blog | MIDAS Bridge

Composite Steel Integral Bridge

Written by midasBridge Team | March 4, 2021

This webinar shows a bridge design carried out in 2017 for new Composite integral bridge.The B9090 White Bridge Replacement project was commissioned by The Highland Council, Designed by AECOM and constructed by RJ McLeod. The replacement bridge was commission to bypass a Category A Listed stone bridge, which was built in the early 1750. The new bridge is a 40m span integral steel/concrete composite structure designed to support the realigned B9090 over the River Nairn.


The webinar will highlight how Midas was used to the design the new structure will cover points including how long term effect and construction sequence were considered.





Key Points


1. Construction sequence for bridge

Piles, beams and deck are constructed in a sequence and it will be demonstrated. The results should take account accumulated dead loads. This is easy work process if you know how to use grouping function in midas Civil.


2. Consideration of long-term effect

There is not only a way to consider long-term effect in the analysis. This webinar will show you apply multiple modulus of elasticity for the concrete. And we can assign the second modulus of elasticity to permanent dead loads.


3. Automatic steel member design reports

Steel Code Check simply checks the sections that you have defined against the relevant checks for axial, bending and shear checks. Optimal Design Section seeks to select the best section taking into account loads in model. This offers a relatively quick and easy way to check sections with the model and a quick way to identify the most heavily loaded member.