Blog | MIDAS Bridge

Construction Analysis of Precast Bridge

Written by midasBridge Team | March 4, 2021

In March 2020,  we hosted a webinar, “Case Study : Construction Stage Analysis of Precast Bridge" by Saathwik Vudayagiri, Structural Engineer, BECA.


In this webinar, we will introduce the advantages of midasCivil using essential functions especially for precast bridge analysis.


Key Points


The useful features of midasCivil in precast bridge analysis :


1. Construction Staging and Composite Sections

2. Creep and Shrinkage Calculator

3. Prestressing Load Application and Calculation of losses

4. Moving Load Analysis



The precast girders bridge in the webinar


The project example below is  from Monash Freeway. A 3 span Continuous bridge with Precast Super-T Girders. Note that the bridge is only continuous for Wearing Course, Crash barriers and Live Loads.


Group function allows us to proceed construction stage definition.


  • Step 1. Generation of all temporary and permanent members, boundary conditions and loading.

  • Step 2. Definition of  Structure Groups, Boundary Groups and Load groups.

  • Step 3. Allocation of elements, boundary conditions and load cases to each group.

  • Step 4. Activation of deactivation of each group on each stage.



Construction Sequence in the example bridge 


1. Installation of precast Super-T girders supported on temporary supports.

2. Pouring the deck on the girder.

3. Continuous slab and transverse diaphragm over permanent supports. 



Advantages of Construction Stage Analysis


- Model view window simulate  each construction stage model.


- Results show the change of behavior from when deck is simply supported under dead loads to continuous deck  under permanent dead loads and Live loads.

- Composite Section function allows a single model to be analyzed considering  both non-composite and composite girder.

- Stresses calculation is provided along the stages considering time dependent tendon losses.


- Prestressing forces is able to be activated on different stages.






Consideration of long term effect


- Time dependent material properties are linked to Material Properties of Longitudinal elements.
- Auto calculation of Hypothetical thickness for longitudinal elements based on sectional properties.




Definition of Tendon Profile


- Tendon profile in the analysis model allows us to consider eccentricities of the tendon in the cross section of the girder. 


- If the strand layout is symmetrical in the cross section, each layer of strands can be applied as a single of Typical tendon by applying the number of the symmetrical tendons.


Watch the Full Case Study Here