Blog | MIDAS Bridge

midas CIM Beta Global Release

Written by midasBridge Team | August 11, 2022

midas CIM Beta Global Release



We are very pleased and excited to announce the beta release of the global version of midas CIM! 


midas CIM is the world's first Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM) based integrated software that maximizes civil engineering work efficiency throughout the planning, design, construction, and management phases of bridge and infrastructure projects. midas CIM is also a total Building Information Modeling (BIM) solution that connects midas Civil and midas Drafter to all civil engineering processes, ranging from 3D structural planning, structural safety review, structural drawing generations, material quantity calculation, and construction simulation.


To learn more about the capabilities of midas CIM, please refer to the "Why is Bridge Information Modeling (BrIM) Important in Today's Bridge Industry" blog article. Additionally, you can download the official midas CIM Catalog by filling out the Download Section (Click here).



The official global website for midas CIM can be found by clicking the following link: midas CIM Global Website. We provide our users with various resources to guide them into a successful CIM experience on the following website. Let's take a look at some of them!



Interactive User-Friendly Online Manual



The interactive, user-friendly online manual allows users to navigate through each available feature in both midas CIM and Drafter. The manual is provided online so that users can access it at any time and search for any questions they might have regarding a certain feature in the software. 



Web-Based Modeling Tutorials



Through the web-based modeling tutorials, users can download example base models and follow each step of the tutorial to create a final CIM model. Each step in the tutorial is demonstrated through a video, making it a convenient and intuitive learning experience. By going through the tutorials, we expect our users to experience and learn about the various capabilities of midas CIM, and hope that these tutorials can be applied meaningfully in their engineering practices. 



High-Quality e-Learning Lectures



The e-Learning lectures will be divided into Basic and Advanced lectures. Some lectures include: Understanding CIM, Understanding Structural Alignment, Library Modeling, Parametric Modeling, Rebar Detail Modeling, Tendon Modeling, Structural Analysis, and more. 



If you have any questions or would like to try the beta version of midas CIM, please contact us at