Blog | MIDAS Geotech

Project Stories | Evaluation of the effects induced on sensitive buildings during the excavation of two TBM tunnels

Written by MIDAS GEO TEAM | 2020.04.14

About Project

The Cityringen is a city circle metro line approximately 15.5 km long and will serve major areas of the city of Copenhagen including the Danish Parliament, the Central Station, the City Hall, existing major S-train and metro stations, and national monuments. The line will have a driverless communication-based train control system, with stewards on board. A round trip is expected to take 23 minutes. The headway interval is expected to be 200 seconds, with 28 trains of 3 carriages running at 90 km/h.


Description of sites and its specifics


Project Name

Cityringen Metro


Copenhagen, Denmark

Construction Period

2011 – 2017


Copenhagen Metro Team (CMT)


Lombardi Ingegneria S.r.l.


The Lombardi Group, upon request by the Copenhagen Metro Team (CMT):
- Performed Detailed Building Risk Assessment for sensible structures (for 7 Stations and several tunnel stretches)
- Gave advice on proper mitigation measures, if needed
- Gave advice on the design of break-in/break-out plugs for some of the stations
- Performed detailed 3D analyses for the intersection between new and existing tunnels


In the framework of Damage Risk Assessment for buildings neighboring the excavation sites, the effects of settlement induced by the construction of deep underground stations were evaluated. The effect of tunnel-induced settlements was analyzed for selected important constructions. Most of the structures to be assessed were in fact masonry buildings positioned at a short distance from retaining walls and/or located directly above the tunnel alignment. The excavation processes were modeled by means of finite element analyses. In general, the soil-structure interaction was taken into account when calculating expected damage to the structures. In order to properly model the soil behaviour, advanced constitutive laws were adopted. In some cases, in order to comply with the very strict limitations imposed by the Copenhagen municipality on the tolerated damage, mitigation measures were advised.


3D geometry including superstructures


Numerical model of 3D fully coupled soil-structure interaction


Evolution of the settlement for the superstructure





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