Midas GTS NX 2021(v1.1) has been released.
The following features and improvements have been updated :
1. Pre-Overburden Pressure on Advanced Soil Model
POP(Pre-Overburden Pressure) is applied on Modified Mohr-Coulomb, Hardening Soil Soft Soil(Creep), Modified Cam Clay, The user can define the initial stress state using Pre-Overburden Pressure(POP) instead of assigning Over Consolidation Ratio(OCR).
2. GHE(General Hyperbolic Equation)-S Constitutive Model
This is for the Japanese Railway Dynamic non-linear constitutive model. The unbounded curve is suggested from Tatsuoka and Shibuya1) using GHE(General Hyperbolic Equation) model.
And, History law is a model which is satisfied with 𝑮Τ𝑮𝟎~𝜸 relationship and 𝐡~𝛄 relationship after developing the Massing law.
3. NorSand Constitutive Model
NorSand constitutive model is a critical state model was originated from the sand behavior in tailing dams previously. But, the model is widely applicable to the ground from clay silt to sand.
NorSand requires relatively few soil properties that can be collected from regular laboratory and in-situ tests so that users can get results easily.
4. Improvement of Soil Test
For more convenience, User Interface is developed. One improvement is preventing overlapped windows when the user conducts a soil test so that the user can add/edit/delete in one work-tree.
5. Slope Stability during Consolidation Analysis
During Consolidation Analysis, the user can tick the Slope Stability Analysis(SRM) in Define Construction Stage.
6. Slope Stability during Stress-Nonlinear Time History
During Stress Stress Nonlinear Time History Analysis, the user can tick the Slope Stability Analysis(SRM) in Define Construction Stage.
7. Arbitrary Load
GTS NX provides an arbitrary loading function that can be applied to arbitrary locations/areas regardless of node and/or element connection.
8. Generate Report
Generate Report function has been developed to give users more convenience when users make their report to submit to the government or contractors. With Generate Report function, Users can get results images, material properties, and specific results including water drawdown and water quantity with just a few clicks.
9. Improvement of Unsaturated Property and Export to Excel
Graphs(Water Content function/Permeability function) which is generated from parameter data can be modified by changing of X-axis range, The graph axis range automatically changes according to the specified range user input.
‘Export to Excel’ function has been developed so that the user can directly check the data of the graph.
10. Points on Edge
The user can make points based on the input intervals on edge. The way to assign points on edge is the same as giving seeds for the mesh size we already have.
11. Cutting Mesh Set with Random Faces
Cutting Mesh Set with Random Faces was developed in 2019 ver of GTS NX. And, The elements which are located middle of the faces will be automatically moved to the set which is more included.
The previous version is only used with plane faces but in 2021 ver of GTS NX supports with curved faces too.
12. Improvement of 3D PDF
The Improvement of 3 D PDF is focused on user convenience.
13. Partial Factor at Work-Tree
The user can see Partial Factor intuitively under the work tree and edit/copy/delete/rename directly.
When substage has been made, the user can see the state of partial factor intuitively under the work tree.
14. Sheet-Pile Property
Sheet Pile Property has been updated User can select ArcelorMittal’s Standard U and Z Shape and tons of Sections. When the user selects section, Area and Area moment of Inertia(Iy) are automatically input into the property window.
- You can download the latest GTS NX install via the MIDAS Software Download pages :
GTS NX 2021(v1.1) Installation Program
- For more details and what technical issues have been solved, please read our release notes :
GTS NX 2021(v1.1) Release Notes