How to Utilize AutoCAD in Geometry Modeling in midas Civil

midasBridge TeamAugust 3, 2021

How to Utilize AutoCAD in Geometry Modeling

Rail Structure Interaction Wizard in midas Civil

midasBridge TeamJuly 7, 2021

Rail Structure Interaction Wizard in midas Civil


How To Adjust Stiffness Value in Construction Stage and Seismic Design Analysis

midasBridge TeamMay 27, 2021

Section Stiffness Scale Factor



How to Define Section Properties in Various Bridge Design Conditions

midasBridge TeamMarch 4, 2021

Section property must be applied when performing analysis as well as material properties. midas Civil provides 'Section Properties' function to define various section shape of structures. Section properties function has an option to define a geometry shape and to calculate section properties for the analysis. And also it has an option for the design feature in midas Civil. Therefore, you can use section properties function on your purpose. 

Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Solid Slab Bridge

midasBridge TeamFebruary 22, 2021

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This case study covers the following aspects:

Why are the Losses of Prestressed Concrete Given by the Software not Match the Manual Calculations?

midasBridge TeamFebruary 4, 2021

Prestress does not remain constant with time. Prestress loss is nothing but the reduction of initial applied prestress loss to an effective value. Loss of prestressing affects the strength of members and also significantly affects the member’s serviceability. Prestress loss is classified into two types:

How to Add Horizontal Moving (Live) Load

midasBridge TeamJanuary 21, 2021

The centrifugal force (Horizontal Moving Load) has two components, the radial force and the overturning force. The radial component of the centrifugal force is assumed to be transmitted from the deck through the end cross frames or diaphragms and to the bearings and to the substructure. The overturning component of centrifugal force occurs because the radial force is applied at a distance above the top of the deck. The overturning component causes the exterior wheel line to apply more than half the weight of the truck and the interior wheel line to apply less than half the weight of the truck by the same amount. Thus, the outside of the bridge is more heavily loaded with live load. The overturning force is computed by taking the sum of the moments about the inside wheel and setting the sum equal to zero. The result is that the outermost girder will receive slightly higher load and the innermost girder will receive slightly lower load. Thus, it is also necessary to compute the condition with no centrifugal force, i.e., a stationary vehicle, and select the worst case.

How to Add a Transverse Moving Load?

midasBridge TeamNovember 24, 2020

When a static concentrated load is applied on a deck, the deck will deflect transversely as well as longitudinally, similar to the structural behavior of a two-way slab. The load distribution becomes more complex when multiple point loads are applied to the deck, such as truck loads. When the structural model is simplified to a 2D frame model, it is important to obtain the resulting 3D forces from the 2D model.

Lane Element and Cross Beam Methods for Moving Load Distribution

midasBridge TeamNovember 11, 2020

The difference between lane element and cross beam element for vehicular load distribution is in considering the transverse rigidity of the system and the kind of model generated (line, plate, or grillage model)

PSC Girder Bridge Assessment as per CS454

midasBridge TeamOctober 29, 2020

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This 1-hour course will cover the moving load analysis and assessment design of a PSC girder bridge. Attendees will get many valuable tips on the common assessment design process of PSC bridges as per CS454.


In midas Civil 2020 v2.1, PSC bridge assessment as per CS454 has been newly implemented. During the online session, moving load analysis with All Model 2 and special vehicles will be demonstrated. Using the analysis results, assessment load effects and assessment resistances will be obtained, and they will be verified using adequacy factor and reserve factor. Ultimate limit state (flexure, shear, and torsion) and service limit state verification are provided in the tabular format and MS excel report.

Dead Load Applications in Bridge Analysis Models

midasBridge TeamAugust 31, 2020

Loading on structures can be idealized as static loads and are one of the major issues for structures. It makes permanent deformations to structures during the service period. The dead loads can be applied in the structural analysis as static loads. The static loads include nodal loads, distributed loads, and pressure loads in the structural analysis software. midas Civil also provides various load types to cover various loading conditions. In this webinar, we will examine how static load types are applied and which static load types are available.

How to Define Material Properties for Your Successful Analysis

midasBridge TeamJune 22, 2020

Material properties must be applied when performing analysis. midas Civil provides 'Material Properties' function to define various materials. Some users who are a beginner or are not familiar with midas Civil might be confused while defining a material property because there are various options. These options are used for linear analysis or nonlinear analysis and those are used or not depending on the purpose of analysis.

Geometry Modeling Techniques for Bridge Engineers

midasBridge TeamJune 1, 2020

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In May 2020,  we hosted a webinar, “Mastering midas Civil : Geometry Modeling Techniques for Bridge Engineers Seeking for More" by Jihoon Kang, Training Manager/MIDASIT.

midas Civil GUI Techniques for Beginners

midasBridge TeamMay 7, 2020

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When you start learning new software, the first thing is to get fully accustomed to its graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI is a point of interaction between a user and software. A complete understanding of the GUI means that the user takes the full advantage of the software's features.
In this session, we introduced the features and the basic skills of using midas Civil's GUI. By becoming familiar with midas Civil interface, the user will confidently build a model and perform numerical analysis.